Monday, May 8, 2017

Next New

Hello, everyone. Today, I want to discuss a "new media" that doesn't exist.

I introduced the idea, which is professional Wikipedia, in my previous blog post, "blog vs wiki", and I want to explore more this idea today.

I think that it is helpful to create a "Medical Wikipedia," which allows only a certain professionals to post there. For example, only doctors, actual patients,  and professional researchers can share their experience, study and knowledge in the medical field. There are six categories on this website, which are diseases, symptoms, treatments, doctors, researches (studies), and hospitals, to search a specific content. If you want to find a disease that you might get, you can type symptoms and will see a potential disease. If you want to see the best treatment for the disease, the "Medical Wikipedia" shows you some recommended treatments, hospitals, and doctors. After you recover, you can share your experience on the "Experience" section on the website. Patients can create their blog within the website and constantly share their treatments and processes. That would be very helpful for others who have the similar disease. 
If you doubt a new medial treatment, you can access to "Researches" categories and look for study/academic articles which is about the disease and treatment. That may reduce patients' worries when they try to approach a new treatment or medicine. It doesn't mean you should trust the articles, but you can still understand what you are trying to do next and what the new approach looks like. 
Since this webpage allows a certain users to edit the page, it is more reliable than the original Wikipedia page. 

I am not sure this can be really called "new media," but this idea will help a lot of patients and their families out so much. I know some of my friends and their families are having struggle with finding a good hospital or doctor for them to treat their diseases. Based on this situation, I came up with this idea. 

Do you come up with any new idea of "new media"???  

1 comment:

  1. As someone that has had to deal with some medical troubles in the past few years, I like this idea very much. Many people usually are afraid to look up their ailments online because they either do not trust the source, or they end up getting redirected to some sort of crazy disease that they were not expecting because they researched something like "woke up with a headache" but your idea of limiting who can put information on the wiki to trusted professionals would make sure that the information that any readers get from it is of the highest quality.

    Good job!
